Are We Living in an Era of Smart Phones and Stupid People?

Is Social media the brainchild of a bored genius or a sneaky plot by the New World Order to dumb down humanity and make them easier to control? Regardless of its origins, one thing is for certain: it’s making society stupid faster than you can say “like and subscribe.”
Ah, the wonders of social media. A place where people go to showcase their culinary masterpieces of burnt toast, where they eagerly tap their fingers to “like” photos of cats in sombreros, and where Scott can finally prove to the world that he can indeed balance a spoon on his nose. Truly, this is the pinnacle of human achievement.
But let’s delve deeper, shall we? Social media has taken the art of intellectual discourse and replaced it with mindless scrolling and emoji-filled comments. Gone are the days of engaging conversations, replaced by brainless debates over whether pineapple belongs on pizza or if a hot dog is a sandwich. Ah, the profound issues of our time.
We used to rely on books, encyclopedias, and dusty libraries to expand our knowledge. Now? We rely on Google and Wikipedia, where anyone and their pet hamster can become an overnight expert on nuclear physics. Remember credibility? Yeah, that’s so last century.
And let’s not forget the beloved “influencers.” These modern-day philosophers grace our screens with their profound insights like, “Hey guys, just purchased this amazing new detox tea that will totally rid your body of toxins! #sheddingpounds #blessed.” Thank you, oh wise sages of social media, for enlightening us with your miraculous diet regimens that promise to transform us into supermodels overnight.
So, why read books, attend lectures, or engage in meaningful conversations when you can mindlessly consume bite-sized information on social media? Ignorance has never been more convenient!
In conclusion, social media may be making society as a whole less intelligent. But fear not, dear friends, for in this digital circus of memes, cat videos, and questionable life advice, we find solace in knowing that stupidity truly knows no bounds. Long live the age of the mindless scroll!